Multiferroic magnetoelectric (ME) coupling between the magnetostrictive and piezoelectric constituents has superior ME properties and shows promising potential for practical applications such as sensors, transducers, energy harvesters, etc [1-3]. More attention was focused on improving the ME coupling by utilizing different piezoelectric constituents with superior properties [3-4]. The ME coupling can also be enhanced by improving the magnetostrictive materials. Compared to the brittle of Terfenol-D, Galfenol (Fe-Ga) exhibits a combination of high mechanical strength and good ductility, allowing it to be used in harsh and shock-prone environments [5,6]. However, the larger ME output was limited by its low magnetostrictive coefficient. In this study, the laminate composites of the ME sandwich structure device were fabricated using a PZT piezoelectric ceramic plate polarized along the thickness direction sandwiched between two Fe-Ga thin sheets prepared by conventional rolling and annealing methods. Goss-oriented and random-textured Fe-Ga thin sheets were prepared to reveal the effect of texture and magnetostriction coefficient on the ME coupling. The ME laminate with Goss-oriented Fe-Ga sheet and magnetostrictive coefficient of 244 ppm exhibits much higher ME coefficients (73.11 V/cm●Oe) than those of ME laminate (16.17 V/cm●Oe) with random-textured Fe-Ga sheet and magnetostrictive coefficient of 64 ppm. Meanwhile, higher ME coefficients can be obtained in a low resonance frequency (26.4 Hz) and excitation magnetic field (26 Gs).References: [1]H. Liu, J. Wang and H. Wang, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing., Vol. 18, p. 1605-1614 (2016). [2]H. Palneedi, S. Na and G. Hwang, Journal of Alloys and Compounds., Vol. 765, p. 764-770 (2018). [3]V. Annapureddy, S. Na and G. Hwang, Energy & Environmental Science., Vol. 11, p. 818-829 (2018). [4]F. Li, X. Zhang and T. Wu, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical., Vol. 349, p. 114020 (2023). [5]A. Clark, J. Restor and M. Wun-Fogle, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics., Vol. 36, p. 3238–3240 (2000). [6]J. Domann, C. Loeffler and B. Martin, Journal of Applied Physics., Vol. 118, p. 123904 (2018).