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VP11-11: Magneto-Optic Interferometric System: exploring building blocks and subcircuits

Narimdinda Robert Bouda, Neelam Prabhu Gaunkar, Wei Shen Theh, Mani Mina

Poster Virtual Only 02 Nov 2023

Recent developments in the standardization of magnetic field generators (MFG) have been considered for optical/electronic/optical industrial-scale applications. In this work, a strategy to identify all optical components that can be used to implement a broad range of functions for communications purposes. We propose a circuit design for a magneto-optic interferometric system (MOIS) based on building blocks and subcircuits consisting of an interferometer with magneto-optic phase shifters and a magnetic field generator. The paper shows the building blocks based on elementary 2x2 photonics coupling components. We demonstrate that such a design can be configured as a tunable system based on the phase shift experienced by the incoming signals from two input waveguides in their transitions The current state of the art for all-optical is very specialized devices carefully designed to implement certain functions. Each machine is designed to accomplish a specific function. They can have a high performance, such as low insertion loss and optimum power consumption, with flexibility in terms of cost. Designing for a particular part means engineering the optical device's geometry and simulation before prototyping(Fig. 2). The design cycle may take up to several months. Similar problems are also found in electronics [1-13]. Reconfigurability is a common theme in electronics systems (circuits and components). However, extending programmable systems to other systems is a question of the current time, especially to magneto-optic interferometric systems (MOIS) Fig.1 and photonics. This paper presents the key aspects of the magneto-optic interferometric system (MOIS). In the case of a single-mode system, we will show that complexity and tunability circuits for MOIS can be implemented using a set of standard building blocks, such as a resonator and transfer matrices. We briefly present the transfer matrices of the elementary building block, highlight technological issues, and revisit the critical functionalities achieved with these circuitsReferences: [1] G. Zhang, M. De Leenheer, A. Morea, and B. Mukherjee, “A survey onOFDM-based elastic core optical networking,” IEEE Commun. Surveys Tuts., vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 65–87, 1st Quart., 2013 [2] N. Prabhu Gaunkar, J. Selvaraj, W.-S. Theh, R. Weber, and M. Mina, “Pulsed magnetic field generation suited for low-field unilateral nuclear magnetic resonance systems,” AIP Advances, vol. 8, no. 5, p. 056814, 2018. [3] S. Kemmet, M. Mina, and R. J. Weber, “Magnetic pulse generation for high-speed magneto-optic switching,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 109, pp. 07E333–07E333-3, 201 [4] M. Acanski, J. Popovic-Gerber and J. A. Ferreira, "Comparison of Si and GaN power devices used in PV module integrated converters," 2011 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Phoenix, AZ, 2011, pp. 1217-1223, doi: 10.1109/ECCE.2011.6063915. [5] K. Shah and K. Shenai, "Performance Evaluation of Point-of-Load Chip-Scale DC-DC Power Converters Using Silicon Power MOSFETs and GaN Power HEMTs," in 2011 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (IEEE-Green), 2011, pp. 1-5 [6] Yan, Jiabin, et al. "Complete active–passive photonic integration based on GaN-on-silicon platform." Advanced Photonics Nexus 2.4 (2023): 046003-046003. [7] C. R. Doerr, “Silicon photonic integration in telecommunications,”Front. Phys. 3, 37 (2015) [8] Y. Ying, “Device Selection Criteria - Based on Loss Modeling and Figure of Merit”, M.Sc. Thesis, Virginia Tech [9] N. Robert Bouda, N. Prabhu Gaunkar, W. Shen Theh, and M. Mina , "A typology for magnetic field generator technologies", AIP Advances 11, 015103 (2021) [10] J. W. Pritchard, M. Mina and R. J. Weber, "Improved Switching for Magneto-Optic Fiber-Based Technologies," in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 3772-3775, Nov. 2012, doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2012.2202275. [11] Toshiya Murai, Yuya Shoji, Nobuhiko Nishiyama, and Tetsuya Mizumoto, "Nonvolatile magneto-optical switches integrated with a magnet stripe array," Opt. Express 28, 31675-31685 (2020) [12] O. Solgaard, A. A. Godil, R. T. Howe, L. P. Lee, Y. Peter and H. Zappe, "Optical MEMS: From Micromirrors to Complex Systems," in Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 517-538, June 2014, doi: 10.1109/JMEMS.2014.2319266.

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